Bodhi Jeffreys is a recording artist whose melodic songs cross over the acoustic/electric pop/rock landscape with a reggae influence. People resonate with the uplifting spiritual nature, wisdom, and love that his songs embody.  

He has played shows from Los Angeles to New York to Europe, receiving TV coverage as well as radio airplay.

This release of Bodhi's next album, “Magic Kiss” — dedicated to his wife Simone — traces his path through a 27-year journey of love and joy, her transition, his grieving, healing and recovery. 

In mid-August 2024, he’ll release, “Find Me in Your Heart”, an album filled with songs of awakening, freedom, and inner peace, and hope.

Both albums feature a cast of Grammy winners, multi-platinum artists, renowned touring musicians and vocalists.

The Backstory

The 🎻 Virtuoso

When I was 3, there was a guitar in the house that had no strings and I played that very well. 

Having mastered stringless guitar, I moved on to violin at the age of 7. Sadly, it did have strings, so kudos to my family and neighbors who survived that six-week career. 

Yes, trumpet in 5th grade was better, but everyone was glad we rented, not purchased. 

Promising career ahead? Um… maybe consider accounting? 

Practice? Practice??? 🎹

Maybe Piano, you ask? My sister was pretty good with her classical lessons , so I took pop music piano lessons. It was fun!!!

Well, everything except that thing the teacher called practicing. Not sure what that was all about but after the 3rd time of begging my mother to tell the teacher I was sick to avoid...um... facing the music, lessons were over. But the initial training was good enough.

Gratitude to Amber Hartnell for gifting me this amazing piano! No, I don't practice on it, but I do play!

The Moment! 🎸

It was liberating when my sister taught me to play guitar chords and I found I could play anything by ear.

But it wasn't until my high school band "Bacchus" played a talent show and I heard all of those girls screaming that I thought, "You know, I don't think accountants are treated this way!"

I began writing and recording songs, played in acoustic duos, a punk band, new wave band, pop-rock. And along the way, got so infected by reggae that for 10 years, all I could write were reggae tunes.

in harmony ❤️

And then, Simone came into my life. She was my guide, teacher, partner, wife, muse for so many songs. But most importantly, she inspired me to become a better human being — wiser, more aware and open-hearted.

27 years of being joined at the hip creating together, ever in love. My life's greatest gift.

That love, her illness and passing, drove the "Magic Kiss" album out from the deepest reaches of my heart and soul. 

recording the albums 🎤

I am beyond fortunate to be blessed with having so many friends who are amazing professional musicians and artists happy to contribute to the recording of tracks for the "Magic Kiss" album, and a second album, "Find Me in Your Heart" to be released in late summer / fall. 

These albums are by far the best musical works I've done, and it's primarily thanks to their immense collective talent.

I am... forever grateful.